viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

¿How can I make the image of an animal deliver an idea without the need to make a charicature of him, or giving it extreme human characteristics?

An animal is an animal and I -have to- respect that, that's why I started using other elements that would show the influence of human thought... our perception of animals, but would not create a transvestite instead.

Of all brands I find myself drawing Wildfox models more and more often, maybe it's the stories they create for every collection and the lovely characters and how easy it is to relate to some of them (and all the girls are just so gorgeous)

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

I'm really travelling my insides, whatever makes me fearful or disgusted, whatever makes my imagination run wild, but I'm also interested in knowing the origin of each icon and why -it does what it does- to the western mind.

sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

That little ghostly thing would be me.

I have a thing for mountains, ever since I was a kid and read so many fairy tales. There's a magic to them and I really don't go that often, but there's a saying and it goes something like "every time a man climbs a mountain, the man comes down wiser" (It's a poor translation but you get the idea) and I was thinking about that all my way up, especially when I walked on my own with the group behind me. I always thought that nature will mainly teach you modesty, to learn how powerful ...and I've got to say it: tricky and dangerous it can be. You really get the feel of some scary tales while in the wild and hold on to any human trace as if life depended on it.